It was a great pleasure for all of us to organize the event for the first 10 years of Model 5, which took place on 18 June in the wonderful setting of Villa Sassi in Turin.

A special moment, in which to celebrate with our partners and friends 10 years of experiences, passion and goals achieved. But also an opportunity to talk about the future and… Read more »

Milano Design Week 2024

The Milan Design Week has just ended.

A week full of colours, experiments, meetings and events of all kinds, which this year too saw the participation of various automotive brands, confirming a trend now consolidated in recent editions.

The opportunity for Model 5 to have a close look at new trends and emerging languages in the world of industrial design, fashion and furniture design.

But also a unique occasion… Read more »



The 16th edition of the User Experience Design Course at the Experience Design Academy (XDA), the applied research center of Politecnico di Milano dedicated to User Experience in both the digital and physical fields, concluded in recent days with great success.

The master’s degree was the first developed under the patronage of Model 5, marking the beginning of the strategic partnership between Model 5 and the… Read more »


It’s one of the most debated topics of recent years: is Artificial Intelligence (AI) a danger for creativity, or is it instead an incredibly powerful set of tools that can exponentially increase its possibilities?

AI is already a reality today, destined to establish itself and take root in an ever deeper way. Just like the advent of the internet over twenty years ago, in a few months AI will radically transform any aspect of our… Read more »


2024, which has just begun, promises to be an extremely important year, a true watershed destined to mark a “before” and an “after” for our sector and also for Model 5.

First of all, the new year will mark the advent of AI as an increasingly essential element in automotive design, specifically in the creative area. Similarly to what happened at the beginning of the 2000s for web-based technologies and applications, in just a few… Read more »

UX – UI Design for your projects

Model 5 was created to provide design and engineering services in the automotive area; in its 10 years of activity, it has always provided excellent services, using all the most advanced tools and cutting-edge technologies, to best support its customers in a rapidly and continuously evolving sector. 

Consistent with this mission, following a growth program defined in 2021, Model 5 today opens a new department dedicated to UX-UI Design. This important innovation remarks even more… Read more »



At Model 5, we have always considered training an essential factor in maintaining excellent quality standards. For this reason, since the company foundation, we have always dedicated the utmost attention to staff training, especially young talents.

Since 2020 this attitude has evolved, giving life to the MODEL 5 TRAINING ACADEMY, a real company structure, under the direction of Daniele Cremona.

In the Academy, we welcome young designers… Read more »


Last month’s CES in Las Vegas showcased once more the increasing convergence between the electronics giants and the automotive world. The advent of electric mobility, promoted in various ways practically all over the world, has brought new players to the automotive field, which we certainly cannot define as supporting actors or simple start-ups…

Tesla is already a very consistent reality, so much so that’s the first automotive company in the world by capitalization. Huawei has… Read more »


2021 ended with very positive results, for Model 5 and for our customers, to whom we have given support for several extraordinary projects. For 2022, we decided to implement an even more complex and ambitious development plan, with the aim of consolidating and strengthening the growth trend.

Some development directions continue what has already been started in recent years, especially in the Digital Modeling area: we will continue and strengthen an even greater integration of… Read more »


The world of automotive design has always been particularly attentive to its secrets: engineering and design innovations, constitute in fact an enormous strategic and economic value, on which even the future of companies can largely depend.

Hence the historical need, for suppliers of design and engineering services, to operate most of the time within the physical perimeter of the client companies, in their super-controlled engineering and design departments: to actually respond to 2 fundamental needs,… Read more »


September was the month that saw the resumption of the big salons.

IAA in Munich was the first major European automotive show with the presence of the live public for over a year. In Munich we saw the presentation of a large number of new models, concepts and ideas of mobility, all or almost all focused on the ecological and electric turning point in which we are now fully immersed. But above all, a new… Read more »


The increasing attention to the Security and to the protection in the treatment of the data has brought to the necessity to implement processes able to guarantee the maximum security in the development of the work processes. 

We at Model5 have always been sensitive to this aspect, as we believe that Information Security Management is a fundamental aspect. In fact, since the first years of activity, we have always been committed to improving the management of all company… Read more »

The new frontiers of Virtual Design

Article by Daniele Cremona

These are years of great change in the world of industrial and automotive design. In the last 10 years we are seeing more and more innovations that are changing the workflow, but also influencing the result of a project. Indeed, it’s absolutely normal that the evolution of tools affects the design and the final aesthetic result.

In 1956, the body of the Fiat 500 was made from a wooden mold, which… Read more »


Article by Emiliano Palma

When we think about “creativity”, we all think we have a clear idea of what it is about; but are we sure we know exactly?

Creativity is by definition an intangible value, difficult if not impossible to fully describe, and this gives rise to numerous misunderstandings about its real importance within the project.

Indeed, in some it may be formed the idea that creativity is a negative factor, almost an “obstacle”… Read more »

Renewable energies & new design visions

In recent years, the acceleration we have witnessed, in the field of renewable energy and technologies for sustainability, is prodigious: every day we see the launch of new revolutionary engineering applications, which give us the idea of ​​being at the dawn of a new revolution, a new era whose effects are still unpredictable, but which will lead us, in the near future, to a fully sustainable industrial production and consumer society.

Consider, for… Read more »


Article by Carlo Segretario

Nowadays, managing and planning the activities of a company cannot be reduced to answering the question that gives the title to my intervention

In the strategic planning of a company one can be aggressive, HUNTER, by making significant investments in infrastructures, promotion activities, hiring and training of personnel, and reducing the tariffs of the services offered as much as possible. The first goal, in this case, is to expand the commercial… Read more »

The positive legacy

The rapid and unexpected emerging of new needs, linked to the continuing Coronavirus emergency, has forced companies operating in the world of design and automotive to deeply rethink their internal processes.

Model 5 has taken up this challenge as an opportunity to perfect its organization and accelerate a transition to innovative ways of working (remote and home working).

In just a few months, Model 5 completed an exceptional effort of innovation, which involved several business… Read more »

Model 5 with SPD | Scuola Politecnica di Design

The final presentation of the Master in Car Design of SPD – Scuola Politecnica di Design of Milan took place in December 2020. The course is one of the most important Masters in Car Design at international level, with the patronage and direct supervision of prestigious brands such as Lamborghini, Audi, Bentley, Volkswagen and from this year Genesis. 

Model 5 has been a partner of SPD for several years and this year Prof. Daniele Cremona had in charge the SubD Modeling and VRED Virtual Presentation Course, providing… Read more »


Article by Marco Tonin

The year that has just ended was a year of great upheavals, which affected every aspect of our life, and obviously this also affected the world of design.

Many acquired certainties have failed, new organizational models and new ways of working have emerged: almost everyone agrees that, even when the emergency is over (hopefully soon!) “The world will no longer be what it was before” and this is probably true.

While… Read more »

Model 5 | New Headquarters

Continuing on a progressive growth path, Model 5 inaugurates the new operational headquarters in Orbassano. An important investment, which achieves a qualitative leap in the company’s ability to support customer needs more and more fully.

Main features of the new offices:

total area of approx 560 square metersup to 30 workstations3 independent work areas, so to host different projects and clients simultaneouslydedicated area for customer resident managersmeeting room for presentations and videoconferencesrecreation and dining area,… Read more »