At Model 5, we have always considered training an essential factor in maintaining excellent quality standards. For this reason, since the company foundation, we have always dedicated the utmost attention to staff training, especially young talents.

Since 2020 this attitude has evolved, giving life to the MODEL 5 TRAINING ACADEMY, a real company structure, under the direction of Daniele Cremona.

In the Academy, we welcome young designers and modelers from the best universities in the sector, thanks to specific agreements with academic institutions.

They are guided in an intense training course, learning to master the most recent tools: the “classic” Alias/ICEM modeling is joined by the use of new powerful tools such as Alias Sub-D/Blender, Catia ISD, up to Grasshopper/Dynamo; for the Visualization area, VRED and Unreal Engine, and for the sketching area, the use of Photoshop and various representation techniques.

This intense and various training course is applied to internal research projects, lead under the supervision of the most experienced professionals of the company, representing in all respects the projects that young professionals will have to face at the end of the training.

What we provide to trainees is a solid methodology and a wide range of tools, which will help them to best express their talent and creative potential.

A few weeks ago the 2023 training cycle began in the Academy: as we read these lines, a new group of young talents is already working hard… Young people full of talent, enthusiasm and desire to grow, who in a few months will join the Model 5 Dream Team!